I’ve met you before.
You scared me.
I learned not to trust you.
I learned not to trust you.
And now you come to me
hand open
as though I would take it
You come to me
Fully Aware — you seem to suggest —
of the Hell you dragged me through
And you say
we need each other.
That my salvation
comes at the cost
of Forgiveness.
comes at the cost
of Forgiveness.
I am only angry because
I know you’re right.
I know you’re right because
I’ve been telling you to
Fuck Off
for years
and I’m exactly as scared as I was.
So ok. I’ll try it your way
and see
what happens
when we
join hands.
Day 23 #pandowrimo @adriennemareebrown So much broke when the sickness came. So much unraveled. What was mended in that time? Socks? Relations? What was woven anew? @yourfriendkat
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